003. She's As Cold As Ice


We are back again with our third installment of the Music Crush Monday Podcast!  Thank you for joining us.

Kevin is back in the driver’s seat with presenting this week’s band.  This is a very talented band that somehow made it on to Kevin’s personal favorite list even though they have elements in their music that he normally doesn’t get into.  Will Steve enjoy this band? Will he know who they are? You can bet that he knows what label they are on!

Spotify Playlist for Episode 003


***  WARNING!  ***


***  WARNING!  ***


***  SPOILER ALERT!  ***


***  SPOILER ALERT!  ***


***  Disclaimer:  We at the Music Crush Monday Podcast would like for our listeners to listen to the bands blind with us but we also want you to check out the band further if they were interesting to you.  Please review the links below to find more on today’s featured band. ***


Band: Protest The Hero

Website:  www.protestthehero.com

Social Media: www.facebook.com/protestthehero

Songs Played:

“Blindfolds Aside” off of the album Kezia

“Hair-Trigger” off of the album Scurrilous


Spotify Playlist: www.tinyurl.com/mcmep003

Stephen Schenk