002. Peanut Butter Meets Jelly
Welcome back to another episode of the Music Crush Monday podcast!
Kevin set the bar pretty high with episode 1 but Steve doesn’t only surpass that bar but he brings in visual aids to support his presentation of this week’s featured band. Does that help in a podcast? Probably not, but it will all make sense when you listen! Steve successfully uses this podcast platform to formally introduce this unique band to Kevin which in all likelihood couldn’t happen at this depth anywhere else. There are so many pieces and variations of this band that you can’t help but be interested.
Come listen to a couple of songs, clips from other songs, and more which is all very necessary. Will Kevin know who the band is? Will he just get mad and yell about how much he hates this week's band? Come join us and find out what happens!
As always, below are the links to the band that is being featured on this episode. If you want to take a ride on this journey with us and want to listen to this music blind, please do not look at the featured band links beforehand if at all possible. Check out our Spotify playlist for more of their music and please reach out to us via social media through the links below. See you next Monday!
Website: www.musiccrushmonday.com
Email: musiccrushmonday@gmail.com
Facebook: www.facebook.com/musiccrushmondaypodcast
Instagram: @MCMPod
Twitter: @MCMPod
Intro and Outro music: “The Breakdown” by At The Wayside
*** WARNING! ***
*** WARNING! ***
*** Disclaimer: We at the Music Crush Monday Podcast would like for our listeners to listen to the bands blind with us but we also want you to check out the band further if they were interesting to you. Please review the links below to find more on today’s featured band. ***
Band: Reggie and the Full Effect
Website: www.ratfe.net
Social Media: www.facebook.com/reggieandthefulleffect
Songs Played:
Song 1 - “Congratulations Smack + Katy” from the album Under The Tray
Song 2 - “Apocolypse, Wow” from the album Under The Tray
Spotify: www.tinyurl.com/mcmep002