126. Generator Band


We are back with a new episode and Kevin is in charge of picking the music this week! Tune in to find out what happens!

It has been mentioned many times before of the “lists” Kevin and Steve have of bands and every so often the band is picked randomly but Kevin mixed it up by adding in the “check out these bands further” into the generator. This episode is running on pure adrenaline! What does Steve think of the music this week and what do you think of the music this week?

The good news this week is Kevin has already checked this band out quite a bit! So much that the band should have been moved to the list to do an episode on. As mentioned quite a bit previously this style of music has been jamming through Kevin’s speakers for a couple of years now as in almost a “missing out” feeling. What was not liked before has been heavily rotated now. This week’s band has quite a few albums and it is always fun when discovering a band that there is plenty of material to go through and the best part is being able to take your time to go through that material.

Reach out to us with any of the contact information below to let us know what bands you have discovered that you grasped on to and sifted through their material. What bands did you not like before that you like now? Do not hesitate to reach out to us as we love to talk about music and bands. Also, check out our Patreon page! Thanks for the support and as always, we will see you next Monday!

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If you want to listen to the episode as intended, please do not look at the featured band links beforehand if at all possible. Check out our Spotify playlist for more of their music and please reach out to us via the links below. We’ll see you next Monday!


Intro/Outro music: “The Breakdown” by At The Wayside

*** WARNING! ***

*** WARNING! ***



*** Disclaimer: We at the Music Crush Monday Podcast would like for our listeners to listen to the bands blind with us but we also want you to check out the band further if they were interesting to you. Please review the links below to find more on today’s featured band. ***

Band: Tiny Moving Parts

Songs Played:Whiskey Water off of the album Pleasant Living
The Midwest Sky off of the album Breathe

Spotify: www.tinyurl.com/mcmep126