168. Pedal to the METAL

Welcome back to the next episode of Music Crush Monday!  You miss us?  Hopefully you are excited to get another band to check out and hear Steve and Kevin do what they do best.  Hang out and talk about some music! 

This week Kevin is on the hot seat and wasted no time at all to bring this episode straight into 4th gear and bringing another band that has put in some time and is respected for their sound and what they have accomplished.  When it's necessary this is a band that Kevin will put on nice and loud and suggests you do the same. 

This episode also has another Steve It Or Leave It segment, what will Kevin decide this week?  What did you decide?  Did you Steve It?  Or Leave It?  

See the links below to find more about this week’s featured band as well as Steve’s chosen band for Steve It Or Leave It.  You can also find multiple ways to contact us with the links below.  Do not hesitate to do so, and do not be shy!  We would LOVE to hear from you.  Thank you again for joining us this week, and as always, we’ll see you…...when the next episode is released!  

Support us on Patreon!   

If you want to listen to the episode as intended, please do not look at the featured band links beforehand if at all possible.  Check out our Spotify playlist for more of their music and please reach out to us via the links below.  We’ll see you next Monday!   


Intro/Outro music:  “The Breakdown” by At The Wayside 

***  WARNING!  ***   

***  WARNING!  ***   

***  SPOILER ALERT!  ***   

***  SPOILER ALERT!  ***   

***  Disclaimer:  We at the Music Crush Monday Podcast would like for our listeners to listen to the bands blind with us but we also want you to check out the band further if they were interesting to you.  Please review the links below to find more on today’s featured band.  ***   

Band:  Lamb Of God
Official Website

Songs Played:
Set To Fail off of the album Wrath
11th Hour off of the album As The Palaces Burn

Steve It Or Leave It
The Hush Sound
Official Website

Song Played:
Wine Red off of the album Like Vines